Saturday, November 10, 2018

BVA203 W17 : Self Evaluation

Does your work contribute to your vision of where you'd like to be in five years?

The work I did for Think and Create was mainly to do with social interactions, data management and screening the event itself. All of which are in the field I want to go in, something I didn't really process until just now reading this question so that good :)

performance : 7/10 - I give it a seven because it worked out well - which is good - but I didn't really think of it during the year so I should probably have placed more importance on it and been more directional in the choices I made.

importance: 6/10 - This is a weird one to rate because the importance I gave it during the year was very low, but thinking about it now and going forward I think I should place greater importance on it. It is very important, I didn't treat it as such, so I give it an above average score.

How confident are you that your work has an impact?

For a lot of the time working on the event and being part of the subcommittees I felt like I did nothing of any real importance. Towards the end I found something for myself in which I could properly engage - that being screening the films and procuring the files for them. This felt like it added a lot, and seemed to be integral to the event. 

performance : 7/10 - I am confident that my work had an impact except for the fact that I feel like I could have easily been replaced by someone else - it's not exactly a job to which I brought a lot personally, just something important that needed doing, but which probably anyone else from the class could probably have done as well.

importance: 7/10 - I place a lot of importance on being confident that I'm having an impact, when I felt like I wasn't it was really depressing. When I did feel like I was doing something it was very satisfying.

How confident are you about the quality of your work?

The work I did on the night was shoddy, I had had some to drink and my job was so simple that very simple things sometimes escaped me. The switching and shutter timing went extremely well though. I think the data wrangling was the most smooth part of my addition to the event, getting things from people was very easy and fun to track down.

performance : 7/10 - I mean it was fine, only problem is I screwed up a couple of times with the lighting on the night. I was very happy with how well the data management went and how effortless it was to get everyone's films together, as well as getting them in order.

Importance : 5/10 - I don't think it was that important, just because the job was so simple and anyone else could have taken over. The mistakes I made on the night seemed to go over people's heads anyway and it is a student run event so it wasn't that important all in all.

Are you working with the right teams to deliver your vision and reach regular or new audiences authentically?

performance : 4/10 - 

Importance : 4/10 - 

Do you know your role, your relationship to others and how well you are performing within teams?

For most of the time working on this event I wasn't really informed what exactly to do, this was in the teams part of the event and I often felt that I was struggling to find areas in which I could help. I would ask whenever the opportunity presented itself but the tasks I was provided usually took less than an hour each and were so small scale and menial that I've forgotten most of them. 

performance : 4/10 - I rank this a 4 because for most of the event (up until the very end) I didn't really know what my role was meant to be exactly, I felt just like a runner. At the end I found a role with which I was comfortable and confident, but this didn't really require much in terms of working with large groups of other people. To be fair the teamwork here was excellent, maybe I should have rated it slightly higher...

Importance : 8/10 - I think it is a very important thing to know what your role in a team is, on the teams I were a part of I didn't feel like I had a designated role and subsequently felt very lost and at times completely insignificant. This is poor morale and with purpose people are much more productive, for this reason I think it is of high importance.

Do you get the training, professional development and on-the-job support you need for your role and to achieve your potential?

performance : 2/10 - Haha no. Although I guess I did when working with Ash, but that's not really part of the Think and Create Committee. 

Importance : 4/10 - At least it's not very important considering what we're doing.

Do you enjoy your work and find it satisfying?

performance : 7/10 - I do, or did, when I knew what I had to do and especially during the screening part of the event. 

Importance : 8/10 - It's very important for productivity and passion, but people can still work in horrible and bureaucratic situations I guess.

Do you have the right partnerships to deliver your vision?

I assume this is more about the sponsors and judges etc, of which we of course lost southsure, a six year partnership ended with one little tantrum.

performance : 6/10 - We didn't really have the sponsors required but oh well everything worked out well.

Importance : 6/10 - Can't be that important if we still managed even without Southsure, we'd probably be able to throw the event with half the partners we ended up having anyway.

How well do you collect, catalogue, store, retrieve and share information?

This I guess is more about how the group as a whole did - which I don't really know, although the discord server for bookmarks and stuff was pretty good, my own efforts were lacking because I didn't blog everything and have since forgotten a lot of what happened and when they happened.

performance : 6/10 - Discord worked well, I could have blogged better.

Importance : 9/10 - It is very important I think, especially when it comes to this evaluation stage. The discord and other records is helping a lot in writing up the group evaluation.

How well do you communicate?

Like everything else this seems more gray than what the scoring allows me to illustrate. Communication varied depending on when we're focusing on. Sometimes things went extremely smoothly - like acquiring the footage for the screening - sometimes it went very poorly - like organizing the ushers, something I had done and told Royce and yet Nik and Phil were still looking for ushers of their own accord.

performance : 5/10 - Sometimes very poor, sometimes good.

Importance : 10/10 - Probably the most important thing in getting things done, if no one knows what everyone is up to things go awry and nothing gets done, if communication is clear things go smoothly and actually, you know, progress.

Do your technical systems allow you to work smoothly, safely and effectively, both in teams and and in your own work?

performance : 6/10 - Personally I found Discord difficult to manage because of how often I would get notifications because of the many different sub-committee groups, some of which I wasn't even a part of, especially alongside all the other message apps on my phone that I have to pay regular attention to. I wasn't used to the system and found it somewhat over-complicated and frustrating. This was also very much my own fault for missing things though, as I could have checked on a daily basis. 

Importance : 8/10 - I think it's very important because missing things meant I missed meetings which meant that I wasn't always informed of what to do :(