Wednesday, July 25, 2018

BSA 203 S2W3 : Cover Letter

- Time Consuming (?)
- Leads into CV
- Demonstrates Communication Skills
- Abstract, less academic
- Who you are as a person
- You want a job
- Talking directly to the person
- State what you have to offer e.g. it's all about them
- Who you sending it to
- Position Description 
- What the business is looking for
- What the company is about
- No informal language, get the company name right

1) Dear mr/mrs, if someone gives you their first name use it, I would (Dear Mr. Assuming My Gender)

Re: Computer programmer or whatever, # (What is this letter referring to?)

2) Who you are/why you are applying (what you can do for them)

3) Expland in greater detail with direct reference to your own experience and skills

4) Conclude: Available for interview, your CV's attached, are you looking for a paid or unpaid internship, thank them for their consideration, reaffirmation of main argument - a sentence along those lines in your concluding paragraph

Kathryn suggested that I can contact professional, businesses in Invercargill and offer my services for things they need like advertising or such. 

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