Tuesday, July 24, 2018

BSA204 W3 : Duncan Workshop - Structure

This week we had Duncan come down and teach us some screenwriting, we focused specifically on TV and web-series structure, he took us through the development of one of his own recent projects.

He does this thing where he plans out the whole script in a leit-motif fashion, where each sentence of line of dialogue correlates with a list of themes that he's written up.

One of the things that Duncan does when developing the structure for his own projects is to colour code the breakdown into what themes each part is dealing with.

In class we did an exercise where we had to plan out the structure for a film, we planned a series in which the Emu population rises to an insane degree again, become a pest and a farmer has to take it into his own hands to fix this - by killing Emus of course. It's like a modern emu war and I love it.

We did an exercise where we created little cue cards with characters and themes and laid them out in a structure-like fashion.

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