Tuesday, July 10, 2018

BSA231 W1 : Pre-Production!

This year our individual projects are much more focused on pre-production, while we will be directors on our own projects, we are also required to be full-on producers. So much so that the pre-pro stuff is what's really gonna be marked.

Now usually I would go over the handbook, breaking down assessments and what we did in class (which includes watching videos and learning about the different producer roles), but I find that stuff extremely boring and would rather just do what Ash suggested - that being just write my own thoughts and personal explorations. I'm just not at this moment interested in the difference between line producers, exec producers and full on producers, I'd much rather pool that time into the development of my project.

And the development starts with a presentation due in two weeks time, so I have to come with an idea for a short form product by that time (we can make an ad, web-series or TV pilot and of course a short film).

One of the thoughts I had some time last semester was an SIT ad specifically made for the film course, to get more students in and make it look awesome. And I knew that what would get me in would be to see a variety of different kinds of films as well as the BTS on those. I am also aware of the somewhat unethical tactics of SIT Pro where they make sets and props and stuff that don't existy in SIT or things that students never even made. Which gave me the idea of producing a handful of fake films specifically for the ad.


Because this would make it look much more interesting than what we actually have to offer, and would provide plenty of opportunity for proper experimentation. When we go into a films now we keep our ideas relatively safe and doable, but if we just had to make one shot or two I believe we'd be much more ambitious and create more interesting aesthetics. An ad that requires four or five of these provides us with plenty of opportunity to play around and really flex our creative muscles.

The way I'd think to go about it would be to look at the history of film itself, picking out films from different periods and making our own shots similar to those - this is the kind of thing that would peak my interest when watching a film-making ad and would provide a lot of variety.

I'm just saying that if all the shots in this collage (with some significant changes to make it original - obviously) were shown in a single trailer for a film school I would be very interested.

The other advantage is that faking them would be a lot easier, we wouldn't have to actually build/paint a set like in Caligari, it could just be green screen, and the stop motion work for a Harryhausen film would be a crazy amount less work than if we actually made a short film with it. Copying someone like Roger Deakins for just one shot is also leagues easier than doing it for the entire run time of a film and looks very professional - like we actually put out really good stuff.

These with some shots of us making them would be a great ad I think and would be immense fun to make (even with all of the problem solving we'd have to do).

That's an idea I've had but one that has seen hardly any development, I've been working more on script-writing, and by trying out different scenes and ideas I am hoping I will come to choose one that I won't hate by the next day.

One terrible idea I thought of exploring was to make a continuation of the horribly offensive sitcom Heil, Honey I'm Home, a horribly misjudged attempt at satire on the sitcom genre of TV. The premise is that Hitler is living with his wife in an apartment complex, in which he has Jewish neighbours who he can't stand and gets a visit from an American to see that nothing fishy is going on. There are a hundred reasons it didn't work, but I actually think its a genius concept that had its potential squandered in its lousy execution.

You can say that the show was ahead of its time, in the age or Eric Andre and FilthyFrank this type of satire seems very appealing. Offending the audience as much as possible is strangely appealing and would be the origin of the humour. I think there is a niche audience who would love a new and improved revival of this series, I know I would love it - call it Heil, Honey I'm BACK!.

The problem of course if copyright, but the idea itself just automatically generates so many ideas. It's a very good mix of things and as a creator you have a lot to draw from. Sitcoms as a whole and one of the most mine-able events for interesting narratives - WWII.

I think one great idea for an episode would be Hitler trying to convince his neighbours that going on holiday to some kind of (concentration) camp - which he sells as a healthy, training program thing.

Throughout the season one could even cover the run of WWII, going through specific events, all of which create setups for episodes.

Of course I could always try it with different subject matter - the combination of sitcom and an extremely offensive concept - like, I don't know, slavery for example. A normal family sitcom, but you know, they have slaves. My Wife and Kids but the kids are slaves and the concern the parents have about them falling in love and having sex is for some very different reasons. Funny in its shock factor - and something no one else would dare to do (especially in today's political climate).

The laugh track can be from peoples real reactions or overly positive - both seem equally funny.

Practically speaking though I think the Hitler show would be easier to execute for us - by a margin. We just need one or two locations as it is a sitcom and some costumes. The quality could also be horrendous and we can sell it off as style.

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