Sunday, July 22, 2018

BSA 204 W2 : Short Films

Patrick gave us a list of short films to view in our own time and asked us to guess which got greenlit for a feature, I've gone ahead and provided a quick summary of my thoughts on each too.

Fizz | Short Film | NZ On Screen

It's a very simple short that doesn't really have much going for it in my opinion. This is exactly what I think when I think New Zealand comedy short - the problems I have it lie mainly with its logic and dramatic tensions. This short seems to be just for the filmmakers to show off what they can do, the plot isn't very intriguing and frankly just doesn't make much sense - the worst part is that the punchline didn't really land and while the film is surrealistic, it unfortunately didn't leave much of an impression. This is also where the seemingly painfully slow pace of these short films rears its ugly head, it drags out the action to a point where it's hard to stay invested.

Cow | Short Film | NZ On Screen

I really enjoyed Cow and its probably my favourite of the choices here. It's a simple tale but one told with much technical prowess and the story itself has enough layers and a presence of conflict to keep it engaging throughout. It still has a somewhat slow pace but the escalation of events and neat three act structure helps a lot to alleviate this an in hindsight it seems like a non-issue.

Cow is weird, fun and surprisingly beautiful.

The French Doors | Short Film | NZ On Screen

This horror short feels like it is in this selection simply because its a horror short made by kiwis. There is much better content available on YouTube (like the shorts of David F. Sandberg) and this one decides to spend half its running time meandering - having the character walk around doing menial tasks that is sure to put you to sleep. The six or so minutes of nothing doesn't even help establish a good sense of atmosphere like it could possibly have done.

Once the supernatural stuff does start happening, especially with the title Doors the film gets way more interesting, but at this point it just feels like your generic horror short - and not one of the particularly good ones.

Bus Stop | Short Film | NZ On Screen

Bus Stop is long, it tells the stories of a bunch of different people on the bus. It's alright, although the concept grows thin quick and the ensemble stories aren't that interesting, Overall the film feels very forgettable.

Turangawaewae / A Place to Stand | Short Film | NZ On Screen

The only interesting thing about this short is that it feels like one of Daisy's films, unfortunately here we have no conflict and its just a depressing, slow moving, internalized mess.

Tama Tū | Short Film | NZ On Screen

This short from Taika Waititi follows his oscar win and I don't think this is as good. It's the best short here probably and was definitely enjoyable, the fun the characters have considering their situation is the heart of the film and not killing them at the end serves to give us a satisfying conclusion.

Kerosene Creek | Short Film | NZ On Screen

This was boring and seemed only to serve as a demonstration that the filmmakers could jump between timelines. The pace is again a bit slow for me and I didn't find it particularly immersive, the memory of this film is faded, but also unfortunately tinged with unnecessary levels of melodramatic depression.

Careful with that Axe | Short Film | NZ On Screen

This one is definitely one of the best, its a very simple concept with a very simple execution and a satisfying conclusion. I would have liked to have seen the filmmakers take it even a bit further, but oh well.

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