Thursday, August 30, 2018

BSA 231 W8 : Manifesto Development

Overview of the concept:


"Jump Scare"


A film in which a man with a recently diagnosed heart condition is haunted by a supernatural entity that wants to literally scare him to death.

Character Biographies:

The Marine

The protagonist of our story, this military man is forced into early retirement when he suffers a heart attack, after surgery he starts experiencing supernatural encounters with a being that is putting a lot of pressure on his heart. Tired of his doctor's seeming incompetence and due to his growing suspicions the man decides to investigates only to find himself the latest in a long string of heart surgery patients haunted by the mysterious entity.

He is a man determined to find solutions, but also someone who struggles with the sudden shift in his world. He's used to being capable and reliable, now he has to adjust to a new world where running is dangerous for him and where he feels himself becoming more and more insignificant. He's a strong man forced into a weak body and he's having trouble with the transition.

The movie sees him starting to accept his newfound situation, the arc set-up is one in which he has to come to accept his new state of being and learn to live a happy life and not drive away those closest to him. This is of course cut short along with a vital artery when he dies.

The Doctor

A man who isn't particularly attractive but who every woman in the world seems to have a crush on. The doctor made a deal with a demon to provide it weak-hearted targets in return for his supernatural sex appeal.

He struggles somewhat with the immoral choice that he's made, it's also sent him down a dark path in which he has become a sex addict. By the point that he is confronted buy two of his patients he has grown tired of his situation and feels the fleeting relationships that he has are empty and meaningless.

He agrees to help, even though knowing that he will lose his sex appeal, his arc is one of coming to accept who he really is and not rely on the superficiality that his increased sex appeal offered. At the end of the film he encounters a cleaner who walks in on them slaying the demon and his charms are no longer effective, he has selflessly sacrificed his own power to help others, at the end when his powers don't work The Nurse is still into him, saying it's because of his actions and personality, not due to his artificial charm.

The Ex-Patient 

A diagnosed schizophrenic who has earned himself a restraining order because of an attempt to confront the doctor, who slept with the patients' wife at the time of his surgery.

He has become a recluse in his fight for survival, he has devised different ways of avoiding the entity and not getting killed by its frights. Strategies like always listening to music, never shaving, not having reflections or sharp objects in his house and turning corners slowly.

This character is a shell of his former self and has become a mess in his efforts to stay alive, he is at the end of his rope but believes that his strategies are working. He has a long standing relationship with the entity, which he simply addresses as Scary Face.

The Nurse

The Nurse has a relationship with the doctor character but he cheats on her with someone else, leading her to become somewhat depressed and ends up helping The Doctor's displeased patients. She is young and finds herself in a situation that she doesn't fully understand, her relationship with the doctor is strained but even after what he did she finds it hard to dismiss his unnaturally effective charm.

It adds comedy to the scenes with all four characters, especially the interrogation scene, but it also leads The Nurse to become a stronger individual, she is the one in the third act who point out the monster can be killed and ultimately the one most intent on doing so.

The Demon

A supernatural entity that is too weak to collect souls properly like others of it's kind, it instead feeds of those naturally weaker - people with heart problems and pays it's dues by scaring them to death.

Stylistic Intentions:

Artistic Intent

I have a very clear idea of what I want in my head, it will take some careful wording though.

Production Design + Concept Art: 

The entity itself will play off horror movie tropes - specifically the type of designs usually seen in jump scare filled movies where the monster's basically just a scary face. This is alluded to by the Ex-Patient character who calls the entity Scary Face.

The creature designs from Sinister (2012) and Insidious (2010), who are essentially just a scary face in a suit.

I am also taking inspiration from creepy-pastas and internet jump scare videos, things like Jeff the Killer (those kind of creepy smile stuff, so maybe my monster has a smile, then again the idea is that he is weak in comparison to his peers so maybe he's sad instead).


Costuming for my film will be character specific, that much I know, but I will obviously need to develop it much further than that and I am not sure I can do this on my own. Like with the creature design concept art, I might ask someone else to help me develop in this specific department, in this case probably a fashion student (of which I know none except Morgan - so probably just ask her). 

Sound Design and Score:

One of the big sound design elements I intend to incorporate is the constant presence of a heart beat which is a very important thematic connection to the plot. This relates directly to the main character's own heart, so it grows faster or slows down depending on his emotional state. This of course stops when The Marine dies, it returns threefold when the other three characters start moving the plot towards is climax, transitioning into a musical piece with an 80's synth inflection as the characters engage in a suit-up montage.

Musically I want to go with something like Alfred Schnittke's orchestral works, something I stole from Yorgos Lathimos, one of my primary stylistic inspirations. He uses the piece String Quartet No. 2: I. Moderato in The lobster, this is the same piece I am currently using for the opening, that which transitions into String Quartet No. 2: II. Agitato as the title appears on screen.

For most of the jump scare sequences music will be absent and quieter noises of foliage and ambient noise will be amplified to increase the suspense in these scenes.

Artist Models/Inspiration: 

I want to take inspiration partially from the films of Yorgos Lathimos (The Losbter (2015), The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)), but of course the whole idea comes from modern supernatural horror films like Sinister, Insidious and that sort. Saw (2004) (the original) is also an inspiration I think, because of how fun it is with it's set-ups and sequences. The execution in later scenes might lean more heavily to the style seen in that movie too.
Ethical & Legal Considerations: 

Script Breakdown: 


Shot list:

Lighting Schematics:


Shooting Schedule + Call Sheet:

Location Details:

Risk Assessment Forms: 

Release Forms and other Legal Documentation: 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

BSA 227 W8 : Actual Nuke Tutorial

So the other one was just like a saber thing...and I'm tired and I wanna go home and sleep, and write my script and I'm hungry and this class is long...

So this week we actually looked at the program Nuke:

We changed the frame rate to 25 and the format to HD-1080

We press tab to bring up a pop up menu, clicked read which took us to the folder opening system:

They are in and just kind of chillin'

We can connect the viewer to the different images, showing them on the timeline:

We typed in merge in the tab dropdown and created a merge node, with which we can combine different images on one timeline:

We typed in transform into the tab menu and connected that node to the car bomb layer allowing us to transform the explosion layer like you would in after effects:

We masked the pillar by creating a roto node, and had to invert this to get it to work:

The masked pillar:

Changed the colour grading on the boxes:

You can create extra connector bends and turns by holding in ctrl.

What I did in class:

BSA 227 W8 : Playing with Nooks


Only the highest quality blogs 👌
The first thing we did was open Nook™, which we did by opening it from the dektop icon and not from the windows pop up mehu, otherwise it crashes

We started working in After Effects, where we dragged in the carpark ref photo, then made a new black solid, in the presets/effects area we typed in Saber:

 we dragged and dropped this effect onto the black solid - this is a free plugin you can download from video co-pilot. Obviously it was originally made for lightsaber effects, but it has a lot more uses, especially for sci- fi things.

Changing the presets changes a lot:

Works a lot like the lightning from last lesson. There are also a lot of setting we can change:

By inserting an ellipse tool and changing the core type from saber to layer masks we can make the effect take the shape, of well...a shape (in this case an ellipse). 

We key-framed the start offset to make it slowly form in the shape:

We can also make any shape or thing we want with the pen tool:

Combined two of 'em and changed the compositing settings under render settings from black to add.

You also do text

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

BSA 204 W8 : Out Bear Idea was just How To Train Your Dragon and I hate it, oh and Status

The title says it all, it's that plagiarism thing where you don't realize your plagiarizing but you are.

We also looked at high and low status:

- Who holds the power in the world of the story or in the relationship
- Position of the character in the social dynamics
- Controls the scene or transaction
Status in dialogue

- Help inject subtext in dialogue 
- Helps to highlight the social dynamics

Status changes --> can help force plot points

High Status 

Low Status

 INT. MAX'S CAB - MAX                                             86

      in shock. Back in purgatory...eternally in his cab's front
      seat. As the lone yellow cab drives east...

      SINGLE:   VINCENT                                                     

                  What a clusterfuck. Only thing didn't
                  show up was the Polish cavalry.

      Max's life, controlled by Vincent, is a nightmare, perpetual and

                            VINCENT (CONT'D)
                  You don't wanna talk, tell me to fuck

                  ...fuck off.

      Vincent's attention is out the window at the streams of
      emergency the earpiece, filled with LAPD and news


      heads east.   All other traffic races to the debacle left

                            VINCENT (O.S.)
                  ...blood, bodily fluid and death get
                  to you? Try deep breathing. Or
                  remember, we all die anyway...

                            MAX (O.S.)
                  You had to kill Fanning?!


                                   9/29/03 MM revs. (salmon)   89.
86A   CONTINUED:                                                     86A

                             VINCENT (O.S.)
                   Who's Fanning?                                          

86B   INT. CAB                                                       86B

                   That cop!
                   Why'd you have to do that? You
                   couldn't wound him? The guy had a
                   family, maybe parents, kids who gotta
                   grow up without a dad, he was a good
                   guy, and he believed me...

                   I shoulda saved him 'cause he believed

                   No, not just that.

                   Yeah, that...

                   Yeah, so, what's wrong with that?

                   It's what I do for a living...

                   Some living.

                   Head downtown...

                   What's downtown?

                   How are you at math? I was hired for
                   five hits. I did four.

                   One more.

                   There you go...!

                   Whyn't you kill me and find another


                                       9/27/03 MM revs. (buff)   90.
86B   CONTINUED:                                                       86B

                   'Cause you're good.
                   We're in this together. You
                   know...fates intertwined. Cosmic
                   coincidence. All that crap...

                   You're full of shit.

                   I'm full of shit?
                   You're a monument of it. You even                         
                   bullshitted yourself, all I am is
                   taking out the garbage. Bad guys
                   killing bad guys...

                   'Cause that's what you said...

                   And you believe me...?

                   What'd they do?

                   How do I know?
                   But, they all got that "witness for                       
                   the prosecution" look to me. It's
                   probably some major federal indictment
                   against somebody who majorly does not
                   want to get indicted... I dunno.

                   That's the reason?

                   That's the "why." There is no reason.
                   No good reason; no bad reason. To
                   live or to die.

                   Then what are you?

                       (looks up)

      Vincent hesitates, then back out the window...


                                  9/30/03 MM revs. (cherry)   91.
86B   CONTINUED: (2)                                                86B

                           VINCENT (CONT'D)
                 Get with it. Get over it.
                 ...millions of galaxies of hundreds of
                 millions of stars and a speck on one
                 in a blink...that's us. Lost in
                 space. The universe don't care (about
                 The cop, you, me? Who notices?

                 What's with you...?                                      

                 As in...?

                 Man, if someone had a gun to your head
                 and said: "You gotta tell me what's
                 goin' on with that person across the
                 street, there, what they think, who
                 they are, how they feel, or I will
                 kill you"...they'd have to kill
                 you...wouldn't they...?
                 'Cause you don't have a
                     (struggling for the words)
                 ...I don't think you, you have a clue,                   
                 period. Did anyone "do" for you in
                 your life...? Ever? When you draw
                 breath in the morning? Open your eyes
                 in the a.m.? You
                 anticipate...anything? Want anything?
                 Expect anything? I don't think so...
                 'Cause you are low, my brother, way
                 low... and some standard parts that are
                 supposed to be there?...with you,
                 aren't. So what happened to you, man?
                 What happened to you?

                 ...all the cabbies in LA, I get Max,
                 Sigmund Freud meets Dr. Ruth...

                 Answer the question.

                 Look in the mirror.
                     (on the attack)


                                 9/30/03 MM revs. (cherry)   92.
86B   CONTINUED: (3)                                               86B

                           VINCENT (CONT'D)
                 ...with your paper towels...a bottle                    
                 of 409...a limo company someday. How
                 much you got saved?

                 None of your business.

                 Your business "plan?" Someday?
                 "Someday my dream'll come..."?
                 And one night you'll wake up and
                 discover it all flipped on you.
                 Suddenly you're old. And it didn't
                 happen. And it never will. 'Cause
                 you were never going to do it, anyway.
                 The dream on the horizon became
                 yesterday and got lost. Then you'll
                 bullshit yourself, it could never have
                 been, anyway. And you'll recede it
                 into memory...and zone out in a
                 Barcalounger with daytime TV on for
                 the rest of your life...
                 Don't talk to me about killing.                         
                 You're do-in' yourself. In this
                 yellow-and-orange prison. Bit by bit.
                 Every day.

      EXTREMELY CLOSE:   Max is soaking up every word.

                           VINCENT (CONT'D)
                 All it ever took was a down payment on
                 a Lincoln Town Car. What the hell are
                 you still doing in a cab?

      The needle on the speedometer is creeping past forty...

                 'Cause I never straightened-up and
                 looked at it, you know...?

                 Slow down.

                     (ignoring him)
                 ...myself, I should have. My brothers
                 Tried to gamble my way out from under.
                 (That was) Another born-to-lose deal!
                 Then, "it's gotta be perfect to go!"
                 You know? Risk all torqued-down.

      Needle pushing sixty...


                                  9/30/03 MM revs. (cherry)   93.
86B   CONTINUED: (4)                                                86B

                           MAX (CONT'D)
                 But you know what? It doesn't matter.
                 What's it matter, anyway? 'Cause we
                 are...insignificant out here in this                         
                 big-ass nowhere. Twilight Zone shit.                         
                 Says the badass sociopath in my
                 backseat. So that's one thing I got
                 to thank you for, bro... Until now, I
                 never saw it that way...

      The cab goes blasting through an intersection on a red light.       A
      swerves, barely avoiding a collision.

                 That was a red light!

      Max glances in the rearview.

                 ...not until now. So what's it all
                 matter? It don't. Fuck it. Fix it.
                 Nothing to lose. Right?

      Vincent's H+K's aimed at Max's head.   Max almost laughs.

                 Slow the hell down!

                 Why? What are you gonna do? Pull the
                 trigger? Kill us? Go ahead, man!

                 Slow down!


      Their eyes meet in the rearview mirror. Vincent is arrested by
      a look in Max that he's not seen before. It's the even,
      confrontational look of a man with nothing to lose.

                           MAX (CONT'D)
                 Go fuck yourself.

      Max slams on the brakes and cranks the steering wheel hard

                                 9/27/03 MM revs. (buff)    93A.

A Reasonable Request:

We watched this short film in class, it serves as a really good example of clear status changes.

I am now thinking about the statuses of my characters, I think The Marine has one of the highest because of his confidence and stern nature, then The Doctor has a high status because of the power that he holds, but he also comes from a place of low status, The Schizophrenic has the lowest status in the film because of his rejection from society and issues with The Demon. The Nurse falls in a weird spot because she has a lower status than The Doctor for sure, but that changes at the end, and her interactions with the other two characters.

We then did an activity in class where we were required to come up with a situation that would see internal status changes as well as an external narrative device that results in a big status change, our idea was:

A man wakes up during surgery to find the room empty except for the surgeon himself, who is eagerly requesting him to sign a contract allowing for the removal of his kidney.

BSA 203 S2W8 : Media Release Continued

This week in class we read out everyone's media releases and unfortunately ours wasn't brought up...

Monday, August 27, 2018

BSA 231 W8 : Marcus' Film

We discussed a little bit my role on Marcus' film (I'm the gaffer) and he showed me some clips from The Darkest Hour (2017) of what kind of style he's going for and what specific type of shots he wants:

Car Rig

He wants this kind of lighting and we'll have to set up a car rig, which is fine since we'll be practicing that in preparation for Izaiah's shoot and on his shoot, which falls before Marcus'.


He pointed out the shot below specifically as one that he wants:

BSA 231 W8 : Creature Mood Board

I've quickly chucked together a mood board of my intentions/general foundations for my creature:

My intention at the moment is to get some animators to make quick concept for me for what the creature could look like, I know what I want but can't design it myself and won't really know until I see it.

BSA 204 W8 : First Draft Development


The Marine gets home and experiences a jump scare.

He sits down at his computer and gets out his phone, he flicks from the photos to google and facebook where he looks up the names of the different patients. We get flashes of news articles and facebook posts about each dying, one by one he sees that the dates all happened about a month or two after the surgery with The Doctor. There is one patient however who is still alive. There is a news story of him assaulting the doctor and something about schizophrenia. He decides to contact The Ex-Patient and sends him a message via facebook.

The Marine is in the bathroom, there is steam everywhere and he has just gotten out of the shower. The music is getting eerie again, he removes his shaving kit from the cabinet, it's an old fashioned razor and everything is neatly kept - almost OCD-like in how he handles the tools. He starts to shave slowly, but the music gets tenser, behind him a shadow, a sound. This scene drags out for a bit as he shaves, everytime he gets distracted he almost cuts himself, or actually does. He gets more nervous too, starting to rush, he gets to his neck and then the thing decides to jump scare him as he closes the mirror, he knicks his neck and his heart pumps quickly.

At a cafe The Marine is waiting for The Ex-Patient, who he texts and asks how far away he is. The Ex-Patient walks through the door, he is unkept, a long beard - he looks like a schizo. The Marine gets up to shake his hand, the Ex-Patient isn't one for handshakes he just sits down. The Marine starts with polite conversation, asking if the Ex-Pat wants anything to eat, the Ex-Pat jumps straight to the point. He asks whether The Marine has seen It as well. The Marine explains what happened, the Ex-Pat looks around nervous, he doesn't exactly trust The Marine, he asks if it's some kind of joke. The Marine assures him its not, he tells him of his situation, The Ex-Pat says how he's been diagnosed as schizophrenic, he's been to multiple doctors and therapists. The Marine says they need to fix it, go see the doctor, make him fix it. The Ex-Pat says they can't do that, he's got a restraining order. The Marine says yes but now he has someone else with the same problem, the Ex-Pat says it's not just that - The Doctor slept with his ex. The Marine describes how many have died within months and how he doesn't have long and neither does the Ex-Pat. The Ex-Pat says he's learned to live with it, there are ways to survive. He says they can't approach The Doctor but they can live with the curse and he'll show him.

Cut To The Ex-Pat's house, in this scene he goes through his various precautions, The Marine asks some questions about the creature itself and urge the Ex-Pat to change his mind. The Ex-Pat says that having two crazies in the world doesn't fix the problem and The Marine walks away defeated and frustrated.

The Marine is driving home, he drives past the hospital and spots The Nurse from before, she is crying. He pulls over and goes to talk to her. She reveals that The Doctor used her and cheated on her, she's understandably distraught. The Marine asks her how well she knows the hospital, she knows it very well even though she's only been there a couple of weeks. He asks how well she knows The Doctor's movements, she knows them very well because she had a crush on him.

The now trio infiltrate the hospital and get themselves into The Doctor's office where they confront him when he gets back.

They confront The Doctor and tell him they have made the connection between him and his patients and say that he is going to tell them everything. Maybe hint at the fact that the main character might have done interrogation in the army.

''JUMP SCARE'' FIRST DRAFT by Bootje Myburgh

Over black we hear the sound of a slow heartbeat, it continues:

I get this feeling that there's something in the house with me, and not just at home, like it's following me everywhere I go and it's not just the presence, it's real, like I see it, like a hallucination--but a violent one Doc

INT. Hospital Halls

The Doctor is walking through the halls of a hospital, it's in slow motion, he has a clipboard in one hand and pockets a golden pen with the other, as he walks through the halls he nods to the nurses

And I'm scared because it's causing a lot of stress on my heart, every time it's this visceral jump and I see this face come out of nowhere and there's this horrible screaming sound, it's like someone's playing a prank on me but it's, it's something evil--

The Doctor is sitting behind his desk, across from him is The Marine telling his story

--it happens infrequently at any point in the day I just get this horrible chill down my spine, hear noises in the house and follow it and turn around, or look to the side or something and this evil-like, well just--facelunges out at me and every time that pressure on my heart returns like with my attack

How many times has it happened now?

Since my surgery last month, about four times, and it doesn't always go as far as a jump, but I've had that paranoia come over me way more times than that

That's actually perfectly normal for someone who's just undergone a heart attack, especially someone who was as seemingly healthy as you, I've heard similar stories with many of my patients, it's not really a medicalcondition per se, it's shock - your brain is having trouble processing it and has created a subconscious fear of going through that experience again, there's not really much I can do to help, I'm afraid it's a psychological problem

Yes doc, but it's not--I-I'm awake when these things happen, in fact I'm awake all the time now because I'm losing sleep because of it, maybe there's something wrong with my pills or maybe just, maybe you could just help relieve my sleep deprivation

If you're not sleeping than that's the source of your troubles, after a while it becomes hard to tell the difference between being awake and not--

The Doctor's phone vibrates on the table and the screen lights up, he gives it a quick glance 

Hey Doc, it's just it didn't happen before the surgery, there must be something that you could....

It really isn't my area of expertise, I could maybe get you medication for the insomnia, but the actual ailment that you seem to be suffering from comes from a psychological place, if you're not seeing anyone already I could recommend a psychiatrist to you?

Your past patients, did they have the same experience as me, like did they see this thing too, or...

Not exactl--similar experiences, as I said it's normal after such a traumatic exp--

There's a knock at the door and a nurse pops her head through:

Doctor, I'm sorry but your needed urgently in the west wing

Yes, I'll be right out

The Nurse nods and close the door again

I'm sorry, I have to go, maybe we can reschedule this appointment?

I'm afraid man, this thing is playing some serious games with my heart, it's getting worse everytime and it sounds like bullshit but you said it yourself, stress and fright can kill you, one of these days my heart's gonna stop 

The Doctor's phone buzzes again, he picks it up this time:

Tell you what, I'll make a note

He takes his gold pen and writes down on a pink post it note, he shows it to The Marine

It says to get you something to help with the insomnia, and I'll put it right here in your file

He opens his file cabinet, which seems to be sorted by the type of ailment, and takes out The Marine's file and sticks the post-it note to it

Next time you come I'll have that ready to go, but I have to leave now--

This appointment took me a week to get and the attacks are getting worse, I'm gonna have another heart attack proper

You're putting too much pressure on yourself, I've done what I can, what you need to do now is maybe just take a break from work, have some time off

That doesn't help, it happens it home - I told you it happens everywhere I go, how am I supposed to go on with my life if this doesn't get fixed

I don't know. And frankly it's not my problem, this is a personal matter that needs to be sorted with a psychological professional, it's not my area of expertise

His buzzes, there's the nurse's shadow at the door

My life is in danger, how is that not your area of expertise?

The Nurse knocks

I'm coming

I'm not leaving until someone helps me

The Nurse enters again, she lingers in the doorway

Doctor? Doctor you're needed urgently

The two men look at her

It should be quick though...

Okay, I'll be back in 20?

The Nurse confirms this with a thoughtful nod

Yeah 20 minutes, if you don't mind waiting I'll come back with the pills you requested, how about that?


The Doctor takes something out of his desk and starts for the door

Okay then

He hurries to the door and the nurse excitedly exits into the hallway, on the way out The Doctor gives The Nurse a pinch in the butt and she giggles as they both walk away in a hurry

The Marine sits in silence, he's exhausted, he looks at the filing cabinet. His eyes light up a bit as an idea pops into his head.

He looks towards the door that was left ajar, gets up, pokes his head into the hallway and closes it gently.

He makes his way across the room to the filing cabinet, opens it where he saw his file, looks at his own file and the pink post-it, he looks at the other folders - they are all heart attack victims. They all seems to have undergone the same surgery as he did - he starts opening a could, only looking away to check over his shoulder as a shadow passes by the door. There are notes of similar experiences to what he had.

He starts taking photos of the other files with his phone. 

The Marine closes the cabinet, picks up his jacket and exits the office, starting to walk down the hall. He walks past a service cabinet, inside of which there is rummaging, through the bottom of the door two sets of feet can be seen, pants down by the ankles, The Doctor's golden pen falls and rolls towards the door. 

The Marine walks down the hallways, and looks around nervously, a shadow passes behind him, he keeps walking. In a reflection he sees something and as he walks past a hallway he sees another shadow, he ignores these and heads out of the building.

The Doctor walks back through the hallway, he's buttoning up his shirt, he walks past another nurse who looks at him and he looks back. The title shows as the music crescendos:



The camera pans down as The Marine exits his vehicle and walks towards his apartment door, he enters.


The Marine enters his house, takes off his jacket and pins it to a coat hanger, he closes the blinds to his windows. 


Beat sheet for scene at home (aka First Jump Scare):

- He arrives home, we see his house from the outside, he's walking towards the front door but hears a sound behind him, when he turns around he sees nothing though and enters quickly
- Inside he hangs up his coat and goes to look out the window, he looks out at the street and the yard, seeing nothing he closes the blinds
He hears a noise down the hall when he goes to turn on the kettle and he sees a figure standing in his hallway, he says fuck off and closes the door
- he sits down at his computer and starts looking up the other patients, one by one he finds that they are deceased, as each one is revealed the kettle boils higher, he eventually goes to turn it off, he finds one ex-patient who is not dead but sees that the man is a diagnosed schizophrenic and tried attacking the doctor, he messages the man asking to meet up
- There is a crashing sound and he goes to investigate, down the hallway, into one of the rooms, a picture of him and his fellow soldiers lies broken on the ground
- He walks back to the living room and finds the curtains open again, he goes to look out the window again and as he's drawn towards it the creature jumps out from the other side hitting against the glass and giving him a mighty fright, he falls to the ground, his heart hurts and as he's catching his breath the sound of a messenger notification is heard - pan camera to ex patient's message (he wants to meet up or is interested)


Beat sheet tests for Cafe Scene:

The Marine is waiting in a booth at the cafe, a man enters, he's scruffy and unkept - he looks towards the camera:

"I was diagnosed as schizophrenic, no one believed me when I told them about the thing - obviously - my family forced me to see multiple therapists, I eventually convinced them I was fine, I don't talk to them much now though..."

"But you still experience the...attacks?"

The Ex-Patient nods in confirmation to this

"What are the odds that two people are experiencing the exact same thing, and even worse that they were treated by the same doctor?"

He slides printed out pages across the table, the patient looks at these

"All of these other patients died within a month or two of surgery, you're the only one whose gone for longer. I'm coming up on three weeks, how did you do it?"

"I developed methods of coping, there's things you can do to lessen the intensity and frequency of the attacks"

The Marine points inquisitively to the earphones hanging off the patient's neck - 

"Yeah music is a big one, I'm always listening to it now - once you take the sounds away the jumps aren't nearly as shocking"

"Yeah the noise is worse than anything"

"I can show you how I do it if you want to you know..."

"I'd rather confront the fucker who did this to us, The Doctor, there's two of us now, with evidence"

"I can't..."

"We can make him take it back, or at the very least stop him doing this, whatever it is to anyone else"

"I can't go within 500m of that man, some time after my surgery I attacked him at the hospital...I've got a restraining order. Anyway just because there's two of us now doesn't mean that it makes the illness anything other than just that - people share delusions all the time" 

"Whatever he's done to us has to be illegal, we can take it into our own hands, he's hard to get a hold of though..."

"I said no, I'm not going back there"

He starts getting up 


We see the man walk in and look towards the camera, from this we cut to the two of them already talking, the Ex-Patient is telling The Marine about his ship phrenic diagnosis and his experience with therapists, he is excited to meet someone else like him and eager to spend time with him (almost looks up at him in a way) but awkward nonetheless - the interest that this stranger is showing to him is also uncommon and like a drug. 

The Marine just wants him to cooperate, he's not particularly interested in a relationship - he just wants to get the whole thing over with, but needs every piece of information that that Schizo has to offer

The Ex-Pat goes from a place of low status where he is actually looking up at The Marine, after the rejection to have him show The Marine his techniques he becomes more high status, taking control by using the leverage he has to definitively deny the Marine what he wants and insisting that he knows more and that the marine should come see his house

The Marine does so and sees his system, the Ex-Pat savpursnyhencompany an opportunity to teach. 

Walks in

Cut to:

I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic, my family had me see many therapists over the years, eventually I convinced them I was fine 

But you still experience the attacks? 

Sure, but less now, I've found ways to like minimize it I guess

Points to headphones

Yeah, yeah once you take away the noise it's really not that bad - I can show you my methods if you want 

No that's okay, I don't intend on sticking with this thing for long, look at this

Takes out files

Our good doctor treated five other patients, all went through the same surgery and each in turn died a month or two after their operation, we're the only ones left alive and you're the only one whose managed to stay alive for longer than two months 


It's been three weeks since my operation and the attacks are getting worse, I don't know how long I can last

What do you mean not stick with it for long, you can't get rid of it I've tried 

I can't, you're right, but he can 

Points toward picture of doctor 

What are you gonna do? 

What are we gonna do. We're gonna make him take it back, there's two of us now and we've got evidence that he's been tampering with his patients 

Illnesses spread


You said there's two of us, I don't think that helps - more than one person can suffer from the same disease

But treated by the same doctor, after the same surgery, along with five other individuals who all died of heart attacks a month later? That's too much of a coincidence, we'll have to be heard out

I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic...

And I'm not, what's stopping you? Don't you want to be rid of this thing? 

Of course I do, but I can manage and I can help you manage too

I don't want to manage, I want to fix it, what do you have to lose? 

Your research is impressive...


Your research- it's impressive, but you missed one thing, one very important thing


Three weeks after my surgery I attacked the doctor at the hospital, it was a personal feud and I was granted a restraining order - I can't go within 500m of the man

So? Fuck it, he's obviously done some illegal shit, doing experiments on us or something, people will understand and we've got undeniable proof

People will put me--us both back in the crazy hospital

If I do it alone I'll be locked up, but together we c--

I'm not 

He gets up


I'm not going back there and that's final, anyway he's extremely hard to get a hold of I'm sure you've noticed, even two of us just isn't enough. 


If you want I can show you how I've done it so far though 

Cut To:
Next scene is them at the ex-patient's home, its a montage of sorts of the ex-patient showing him his various coping techniques and the Marine coming to the realization that this isn't how he wants to spend the remainder of his life.

This is followed by the scene in which he finds the nurse running out crying and talks to her, finding new information about the doctor - that he sometimes speaks to himself, but that all the women are so attracted to him. He manipulates the nurse to help him, as an act of revenge (?)

The three of them are infiltrating the hospital and prepare for the doctor to come back to his office. This is where we establish a lot of the scenes that we missed, like the Ex-Pat going along because reason


The Marine is driving back home, he passes by the hospital as he does so - he recognises the nurse from before, she is briskly walking to her at crying.

The marine does a round and parks, he sees she is still by her car crying, fumbling with her keys.

The car keys drop to the ground and are promptly snatched up by the marine, through tears the nurse apologises and thanks him

He asks what happened, she declines him this information saying she's fine but thanks anyway

He asks if it's about the doctor

She pauses and turns around asking what he knows 

He says he suspected that they had an affair, he also suspects that that might be source of her anguish

She confirms this saying he slept with another nurse, she thought they were meant for each other, that it was special but now she finds to be just another in a long line of whores

He asks whether this is a normal occurrence

She mumbles that there has always been talk, she thought she was different, I mean he's obviously a ladies' man - what makes the marine so interested anyhow? 

The marine tells her he's a patient of his and that he has experienced symptoms that the doctor refuses to acknowledge 

She asks him if he by any chance has heart surgery

He confirms this and she immediately starts backing away trying to get into the car

Whoa, whoa what just happened, what's wrong with his heart patients

She's in the car now

She says it's nothing, just that the doctor sometimes says things about his patients and that he says two heart patients in particular have caused problems in the past - he says they're crazy

Crazy? He's using that as a cover up for what he's really done

I have to go

Come on, let me just ask you one question 

No I really, thanks again but

Listen you know he's been lying to you so why wouldn't he lie about this too? 

I don't know...

You help him during surgery as well aye? 

Huh...yeah sometimes

Okay, let me just ask you this...does he do anything weird dying surgery? Anything different, maybe that you can't explain? 

I don't know, not that I could think of, it's hard to focus with him in the room you know I had a crush and everything even if he did...actually not me personally but some other nurses have said he sometimes..well it's not exactly that weird

What is it? 

Well he can be quite finicky about people watching him, I've heard he sometimes asks nurses to leave during the more tricky parts so he can focus

Yes that's it, see, that's very weird he can do any number of things while he's in there alone 

What exactly did he do to you? 

That's hard to exp--do you want to go get a coffee


''JUMP SCARE'' by Bootje Myburgh

Over black we hear the sound of a slow heartbeat, it continues:

I get this feeling that there's something in the house with me, and not just at home, like it's following me everywhere I go and it's not just the presence, it's real, like I see it, like a hallucination--but a violent one Doc

INT. Hospital Halls

The Doctor is walking through the halls of a hospital, it's in slow motion, he has a clipboard in one hand and pockets a golden pen with the other, as he walks through the halls he nods to the nurses

And I'm scared because it's causing a lot of stress on my heart, every time it's this visceral jump and I see this face come out of nowhere and there's this horrible screaming sound, it's like someone's playing a prank on me but it's, it's something evil--

The Doctor is sitting behind his desk, across from him is The Marine telling his story
--it happens infrequently at any point in the day I just get this horrible chill down my spine, hear noises in the house and follow it and turn around, or look to the side or something and this evil-like, well just--facelunges out at me and every time that pressure on my heart returns like with my attack

How many times has it happened now?

Since my surgery last month, about four times, and it doesn't always go as far as a jump, but I've had that paranoia come over me way more times than that

That's actually perfectly normal for someone who's just undergone a heart attack, especially someone who was as seemingly healthy as you, I've heard similar stories with many of my patients, it's not really a medicalcondition per se, it's shock - your brain is having trouble processing it and has created a subconscious fear of going through that experience again, there's not really much I can do to help, I'm afraid it's a psychological problem

Yes doc, but it's not--I-I'm awake when these things happen, in fact I'm awake all the time now because I'm losing sleep because of it, maybe there's something wrong with my pills or maybe just, maybe you could just help relieve my sleep deprivation

If you're not sleeping than that's the source of your troubles, after a while it becomes hard to tell the difference between being awake and not--

The Doctor's phone vibrates on the table and the screen lights up, he gives it a quick glance 

Hey Doc, it's just it didn't happen before the surgery, there must be something that you could....

It really isn't my area of expertise, I could maybe get you medication for the insomnia, but the actual ailment that you seem to be suffering from comes from a psychological place, if you're not seeing anyone already I could recommend a psychiatrist to you?

Your past patients, did they have the same experience as me, like did they see this thing too, or...

Not exactl--similar experiences, as I said it's normal after such a traumatic exp--

There's a knock at the door and a nurse pops her head through:

Doctor, I'm sorry but your needed urgently in the west wing

Yes, I'll be right out

The Nurse nods and close the door again

I'm sorry, I have to go, maybe we can reschedule this appointment?

I'm afraid man, this thing is playing some serious games with my heart, it's getting worse everytime and it sounds like bullshit but you said it yourself, stress and fright can kill you, one of these days my heart's gonna stop 

The Doctor's phone buzzes again, he picks it up this time:

Tell you what, I'll make a note

He takes his gold pen and writes down on a pink post it note, he shows it to The Marine

It says to get you something to help with the insomnia, and I'll put it right here in your file

He opens his file cabinet, which seems to be sorted by the type of ailment, and takes out The Marine's file and sticks the post-it note to it

Next time you come I'll have that ready to go, but I have to leave now--

This appointment took me a week to get and the attacks are getting worse, I'm gonna have another heart attack proper

You're putting too much pressure on yourself, I've done what I can, what you need to do now is maybe just take a break from work, have some time off

That doesn't help, it happens it home - I told you it happens everywhere I go, how am I supposed to go on with my life if this doesn't get fixed

I don't know. And frankly it's not my problem, this is a personal matter that needs to be sorted with a psychological professional, it's not my area of expertise

His buzzes, there's the nurse's shadow at the door

My life is in danger, how is that not your area of expertise?

The Nurse knocks

I'm coming

I'm not leaving until someone helps me

The Nurse enters again, she lingers in the doorway

Doctor? Doctor you're needed urgently

The two men look at her

It should be quick though...

Okay, I'll be back in 20?

The Nurse confirms this with a thoughtful nod

Yeah 20 minutes, if you don't mind waiting I'll come back with the pills you requested, how about that?


The Doctor takes something out of his desk and starts for the door

Okay then

He hurries to the door and the nurse excitedly exits into the hallway, on the way out The Doctor gives The Nurse a pinch in the butt and she giggles as they both walk away in a hurry

The Marine sits in silence, he's exhausted, he looks at the filing cabinet. His eyes light up a bit as an idea pops into his head.

He looks towards the door that was left ajar, gets up, pokes his head into the hallway and closes it gently.

He makes his way across the room to the filing cabinet, opens it where he saw his file, looks at his own file and the pink post-it, he looks at the other folders - they are all heart attack victims. They all seems to have undergone the same surgery as he did - he starts opening a could, only looking away to check over his shoulder as a shadow passes by the door. There are notes of similar experiences to what he had.

He starts taking photos of the other files with his phone. 

The Marine closes the cabinet, picks up his jacket and exits the office, starting to walk down the hall. He walks past a service cabinet, inside of which there is rummaging, through the bottom of the door two sets of feet can be seen, pants down by the ankles, The Doctor's golden pen falls and rolls towards the door. 

The Marine walks down the hallways, and looks around nervously, a shadow passes behind him, he keeps walking. In a reflection he sees something and as he walks past a hallway he sees another shadow, he ignores these and heads out of the building.

The Doctor walks back through the hallway, he's buttoning up his shirt, he walks past another nurse who looks at him and he looks back. The title shows as the music crescendos:



The camera pans down as The Marine exits his vehicle and walks towards his apartment door, there's a sound in the driveway and he looks around - nothing but darkness. Hurriedly he unlocks the door and enters.


The Marine enters his house, takes off his jacket and pins it to a coat hanger, he looks through his window, ensure it's locked and closes the blinds.

He walks over to the kitchen and puts on the kettle, as he walks back to the lounge there is another sound and he looks down the hall, there is a figure standing between the rooms, he closes the door and as he does so:

Fuck off

He walks over to his desk and flips open his laptop, with his phone open he one by one googles the names of the different patients.

This is played as a montage with the kettle slowly starting to boil as The Marine sees each name with the person's time of death, flashing in between are messages from their social media accounts where people congratulate them on their surgery or wish them luck, with condolences and goodbyes being given only a month or so later. He finally finds one who is still alive, but when he googles him an article comes up about the patient attacking The Doctor at the hospital, he friend requests and sends the peculiar patient a message saying "I have the same condition, we should meet up, I suspect The Doctor might be accountable", the kettle comes to a boil here and he goes to turn it off.

As he takes it off the stove and starts pouring he hears the sound again, this time it's followed by a crash. 

He goes to the hallway door, picks up a bat and opens it slowly, he navigates his way down to the bedroom, inside he finds a picture frame on the floor smashed, he picks it up - it's of him and his old army pals.

He takes the picture with him as he walks back to the living room and finds the curtains wide open again, with wind moving them back and forth.

He places the picture on his desk and slowly approaches the window, which is indeed open. 

He looks out at the driveway again and slowly reaches out closing the window. 

He stares out for a bit, seeing only darkness, and as he's about to go close the blinds there is a sudden crash against the window, the face of the demon shows for a split second and he falls backwards, the sound of the heartbeat now fast. He holds his heart and grunts, the baseball bat lies on the ground, there is the sound of a messenger notification and on the computer screen there is a reply from the Ex-Patient.
