Wednesday, August 22, 2018

BSA 204 W7 : Jump Scare Development

The actual jumps scares are something I need to start thinking about now, a lot of the generic horror movie jumps are already present in some form with the ex-patient character and his methods of escaping death. Because of this I am thinking of making the scares that happen to the main character a bit more creative than the standard fare:

One idea is kind of present with the ex-patient character but still is something that can be juiced and hasn't really been seen in another movie of this sort. this being the fact that the ex-patient doesn't shave. I could have a scene where the main character shaves and really stretch out the tension. This also incorporates a mirror, which is one of the things I wanted in the first two scares.

This shaving scene would have to take place after the first jump scare of the film, so that the audience really knows how the entity operates.

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