Wednesday, August 22, 2018

BSA 227 W7 : Struck By Lightning, oh and BLOWING UP

Today in class we did a tutorial where someone is struck by lighting and then BLOWING UP!, it's another of the video co-pilot tutorials, which I've attached below:

The first thing we did was insert the footage, then we changed the time code to twelve seconds, which is a bit longer than the clip we got:

Then we duplicated the "Run" layer (CTRL + D)

We freeze framed it (right click > Time > Freeze Frame) and then put it underneath the first layer.

Then we created a third layer, this one above the first and freeze framed it towards the end of the clip (5s-6s of  a 6 second clip)

We created a mask around just the feet and then feathered it slightly.

Again we duplicated the original clip and renamed this one pop or explode. Then put it above the feet layer.

We freeze framed this one again 

From this freeze frame we created a mask down to the person's feet, this will be blown up leaving only his feet standing (pun?)

Made this into a pre-compose, this mean it can have multiple layers onto itself, and selected Move all attributes into new composition

The new timeline above specifically for this layer now.

We used an effect called Pixel Polly, it like breaks the image apart into different segments and you can edit it to be bigger or smaller pieces, to make it red I added a Tint effect

To add the lightning we used an effect called Advanced Lightning under Generate

This can be edited in different ways as well. 

Here you can see we've just got the feet left.

We added an adjustment layer and added the curves effect which we could use to adjust the overall colour grading of the image. The brightness was turned up quite a bit when the lighting strikes to give that effect.

To add a glow around the character we added a new light blue solid and masked it to be only around the character, then change the opacity

We added in the sky as well, simple act of adding it in and masking appropriately. 

The most emasculating image put to celluloid.


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