Wednesday, August 8, 2018

BVA 203 S2W5 : Potential Advertising Idea


We can have a news show dedicated to the festival "Southsure Today", where we cover the week's news about the event and  have valuable updates/interviews/debates. 

This will be easy to make and the quality can be low, because the quality of news is low. We can film in the green screen and create an intro in after effects, we can film on any camera - even the EX1.

This week for example we would have:

- A news segment on the bomb threat and interviews with those involved.
- A debate about the name of the event.
- Video footage of us talking to the first years
- Highlights from the meeting 
- On the street interviews talking to the general public to gauge their awareness of the event and SIT     Downtown in general
- Chat with the design team about the direction they're taking the marketing
- Interview with Ash about center stage concerns

To DO:

- Get audio gear
- Get cameras and film talk with first years as well as meeting on Friday
- Get Suits
- Make After Effects Intro 
- Get green screen room and film those parts
- Film interviews
- Talent Releases

It is possible to do this before the end of the week, get it out by Monday, it's a lot of effort though, we'll see how I go.

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