Tuesday, September 4, 2018

BSA 227 W9 : New Idea (again)

So I've decided to change my idea again for compositing, this time 


The secret agent walks into an airport and goes to the locker area where he opens a special locker with a medical kit and earpiece, he goes to the bathroom and inserts the earpiece

Throughout the process of fixing up his wound - a gunshot in his arm - he is talking to an operator on the other end of his earpiece who establishes that he did a good job of finishing a mission and who also informs him of his flight plans going home - at this point everything is going smoothly - the operator asks why he's grunting so much, he tells him about the wound and explains a bit of how he got it (also says he's tired, the operator says he'll be home soon) 

He boards the plane with the opening credits - intercut are clips of the French terrorists beating the other agent, we also see him struggle to sleep and he takes sleeping pills here (the whole thing is kind of 90's montage like Run Lola Run) 

After the opening his plane lands and he wakes up, drowsy he gets off, it's announced that this is not a routine stop, he asks where he is, they say in New Zealand

Confused he asks the operator, the operator says things are a bit of a mess but that another agent just failed a mission and he is the only agent in the vicinity at all

The agent takes a breath - tired - and asks for a brief. The operator say they don't have time to give that right now but that he'll do that on the way - on the way to the agent saving the life of the former agent before he is executed 



First thing is him stealing transportation, simple spy stuff, he kind of messes it up and has to clean up after which establishes how they operate 

Next thing is a tailing thing, where he gets told there are some goons passing by and he has to see if they have anything valuable, he tails them and a shootout ensues, the car blows up and we get the idea he really is getting tired, luckily they were speed dealers or something similar and he takes that

Drug fuelled and running out of time he moves to the location of the other agent, a bit like one of those motorbike scenes in MI

He gets there, another shootout/brawl, where he saves the other agent and tells him to clean up after him while he finishes the mission - he also gets a chance to talk to the bad guys (French twins) 


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