Monday, September 17, 2018

BSA 231 W11 : Vampire Heist

We open the movie with the main character acting as an electrician and getting led through the club house by the extravagant president of it - we meet one of the tenants on the way through the house, as the man looks around the house he notices certain things - like a creak on the stairs and a door that the president doesn't want him to enter (to which he asks what's down there and is told simply the basement) he also asks questions about the place where he finds out lawyers usually live there during cases. This whole sequence is doubled up with VO dialogue of him and his friend discussing the he sit and the scene ends with him being shown the fuse box and starting on fixing it - we cut to a shot of him and his partner-in-crime sitting on their car, eating and discussing the case (the dialogue we've been getting this whole time) we also get a snippet that he has problems at home or with his family. (maybe reveal that his father used to be in crime)

Maybe he studies as well and gets told off by his tutor for plagiarizing - a comparison with his thieving habits and maybe give a moral lesson about not being selfish


David walks up to the front door of the house, he observes the house and looks through the window then tentatively knocks.

The Host opens the door after a short pause, surprised to find him already at the front door he apologizes - he says that he thought he'd text David (who's standing their with an electrician get up) and then he'd come open the gate for him, he makes sure it wasn't too much of a problem for him to get past - David says it was unlocked. He gets let into the house, the host saying the fuse box is right through here - Davis stops at the stair and looks around  for a bit

He asks the host what the house is for, the host pauses for a moment and David explains that he's still very young, only just left school and he's completely unfamiliar with a Gentleman's club.

Intrigued by his interest the host gives him a quick definition and then David asks who it's for, the host explains lawyers and stuff sometimes stay there, otherwise it's just a gathering place - David asks if he can be shown around.

The host says sure and takes him up the stairs where David notices a creaky stair, this and the host speaking is interrupted by VO dialogue of David discussing the place with his friend - listing the amount of rooms, as well as what's in each one, as well as potential little hazards (like the alarm at the door and creaky stair - but no cameras, which is perfect, their old fashioned nature will be their downfall - this is a question that his friend asks and he answers that).

David and the host meet a tenant on the way down, a man who is completely oblivious and just happy about being there (or something, establish something about him to be eaten by vampires) - downstairs David asks what's down another door and host just says that it's the basement, no need to go down there and leads him to the fuse box where he's left to his own devices, cut to him and his friend on car discussing, he says he's sure that door has something valuable - the rest of the house is filled with valuables but the most important stuff would be down there - n google he has a page open about the family who owns the house (they are insanely rich and keep to themselves, refusing to move when a city rose up around the place) the friend asks what the host was like (in here somewhere David reveals he knows how to disable the alarm because he did it with his dad all the time) he describes the host a little bit who is part of the famous family.

They briefly talk about the plan for the next day, in the morning they have school - the main character complains about the teacher for a little bit (who claimed he plagiarized something and gives him moral lessons about being selfish and shit), the friend says he's sure it shouldn't be too busy the next day - his father's part of the club and they usually have nothing on Wednesdays)

The next day, night, they are breaking into the house, things immediately go well, the alarm disabled they start moving through the house stealing everything valuable, there are weird capes and canes and stuff in the doorway though, which they ignore since no one seems to be home - instead of leaving immediately his friend decides to check out the basement which he manages to unlock, meanwhile the main character

His friend not answering the main character makes his way down the basement carefully, noticing the amount of capes and stuff.

EXT. Outside Club House

A young man walks up to the front door, he can be seen peering through the windows to the house's dusty interior.

He tentatively knocks, his eyes caressing the door frame and walls.

There is a short pause, the host opens the door.


I'm sorry I didn't expect you already, I thought you'd text me so I could open the gate for you, you got in alright


Yes I know, but the fence was left open, I took it as an invitation


Of course


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