Sunday, October 28, 2018

BSA 203 W16 : Questions for Ash

We have some questions that need answering.

- Dump it. How does the transfer of video files work, can the computer access the Y drive, would it be better to play from a hard-drive, or straight from the computer. Should we put it everywhere? Let's C0mpress.

- Mics? What's happening, how does it work - is it our department. Must be, we in the box. Should be easy, just ask.

- When can we set it up? (Ash recommended that we watch through the whole reel in order to make sure everything runs smoothly and there are no audio problems - audio levels tend to differ between films). Last year Ash did it on the day, before the event night, might take up all day...

- Ash wants to get drunk on the night, he's helpful when he's drunk though? But we'll do most of the stuff. He'll help setting up though? And also.

NOTE: How do we keep IMS out of the box??? Ash. Can we lock the box?

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