Thursday, July 12, 2018

BSA204 W1: Writing Short Form

In class we went over the handbook and also looked at review structure again, something that is expected to be found in our blogs again this year, as a quick recap:

We also brainstormed and came up with a list of important elements that make an effective short film.

Base emotions
Character motivation

Lastly in class we watched a short film and analysed it using the points we mentioned:

We used the points brought up in class to analyse the film and see if it adopted those strategies.

We're also expected to do reviews again this semester, using the structure below:

1. Provide a 2-3 sentence overview of the plot. (No spoilers!) 
2. What was your overall emotional response to the film? Why? 
3. What did you think of the lead character and why? Was there a particular incident in the film or thing that they did that made you feel this way? 
4. Who was your favourite character (if not the lead) and why? Was there a particular incident in the film or thing that they did that made you feel this way? 
5. Were there any moments that engaged you the most, and why? 
6. Were there any moments in which you started to lose interest or disengaged from the film? Why do you think this was the case? 
7. What were the overall strengths and weaknesses of the film?

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