Tuesday, September 25, 2018

BSA 204 W12 : Reversals

We talked about plot reversals in class, a very popular term that pops up more commonly in Hollywood than status:

The example that best described what it is to me is the situation where someone goes to rob a dairy, gets there and finds that there is someone else already robbing it or doing something worse, and changing their objective to help the dairy owner instead.

This is a plot reversal, where the character's objective changes, it is related to status and usually happens when an external force is introduced that changes the way the character acts,

1. Create a character:

Devise a Full Name : Zxavian Thorien Birdsong

Define their Age and Gender : 29 and Male

Physical traits : Ginger, big old ears, eyes are really close together, has dark skin, long arms, short legs, fat cheeks and very hairy.

Occupation : Spokesperson for The Deforestation Company ("We cut down forests - fuck you orangutans")

Socio-economic status : Reasonably well off - his company is obviously making a lot of money and he's doing a good job (wonderful work ethic - just wanna kill trees)

Education/qualifications : Studying towards a PhD in automotive engineering

Political views & religious beliefs : Ex-scientologist, capitalist

Where do they live? : Brazil - I mean he moves around

What is their primary dwelling? : No primary dwelling, lives in hotels

Fashion sense/ contents of wardrobe: Plaid shirts galore, all the time, all day every day - basketball shorts and sandals

General health and wellbeing : Overweight, skin condition that makes his skin darker

Relationship with parent(s) : Not good - parents raised him as a hippie Scientologist which doesn't align with his personal identity

Siblings : Way too many to count

Relationship with sibling(s) : Non-Existent

Romantic / Marital Status : Looking for love

Dependents : caged chickens

Relationship with dependents, loves them, eats raw eggs with shell and talks to his chickens when he has no one else (which is most of the time) Three chickens, small cage, one - travels whole movie with it

Favourite Food : Egg

Diet : Egg and budget food - addicted to saving

Interests : money, the stocks, investment and saving, going to banks on weekends and just looking

 Movies / TV - non-fiction kind of a guy, loves a good biopic (wolf of wall street)

Music : Real hard

Unusual habits / addictions / vices / festishes : Addicted to saving, cuts down trees in free time - pyromaniac

Transport : Various aircraft

State of bedroom bathroom - n/a

2. Devise a destination and an immediate external objective. What does he want to achieve at this destination?

Has to go to a press conference and establish good public relations for his company, The Deforestation Co. which has recently come under fire for the removal of their eco-sustainable policies.


Zxavian Thorian Birdsong IV meets the mayor of the amazon on behalf of his company, The Deforestation Company, to convince him to let the company cut down a portion of the amazon to harvest more water. 

But then the mayor thinks its such a good idea that he wants to cut down the whole of the amazon and in the process rid himself of the bush people who live there.

Zxavian can't reveal that he is an ex-bush person and has to convince the mayor why he shouldn't burn down the amazon. 

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