Sunday, September 30, 2018

BSA 227 W12 : ?Script?

I tried writing a quick script in class, i've decided to go back to the german expressionist idea, kiarne also gave me an idea for a story - pull from that thing where we sometimes FANTASIZE about killing someone else and play that out in the mind. I could also do the story where someone interrogates people in their SUBCONSCIOUS (kind of my original idea). I DINT get very far:

The man wakes up on the floor in the middle of the room, he's dazed and confused.
He uncomfortably stands up, holding his head as if it hurts and starts looking around.
An inspector walks into the room:
Why are you here?
Where am I?
Why are you lying on the ground like that?
I don't know, I just woke up like that...who are you? Why am I here?

Vaughn also gave me a new way to do the german expressionist thing, more 3d than cardboard cutouts, it looks really cool and is very atmospheric i just need time to try it out (its via maya), problem is i have that big shoot next week, a strawberry sound gig at midnight and kevin's shoot for 10 or 11 hours. there just isn't time, not till next week anyway. i don't like getting tired but its really hard not to. im getting fatter again...

Saturday, September 29, 2018

BSA 231 W12 : Attempt #412

I tried writing something new, it's a simpler idea that could be shot in a night, taking some inspiration from Taika's short with the kids that was nominated for an Oscar, two cars, on night or something like that. Here is what I did, also actually wrote some of a script, only worked on this for like forty minutes but I hate it nonetheless, it didn't come out like I wanted, it's not efficient and needs a lot of work, it's also not even close to done (got sidetracked; too long) - don't have time now will work on later:

A man walks down an alley, passing two drunks - he has a piece of paper telling him where to go. He is told by an older man what he's supposed to do - just watch the back of the club for any dodgy individuals, there is a rival gang who might decide to cause trouble tonight. He is also introduced to the man's nephew, who he belittles.

The nephew is given a gun if need be, told he hopes he can use it. The first thing the nephew does is play around with the gun, to which the main character gets nervous.

The nephew is very insecure and makes up for it by talking himself up, the main character wants to be on the other side of the door - with the successful people. Throughout the film they discuss what they want and that they should do more big heist things.

First thing he does is show off and talk himself up a bit, trying to gain the high ground, the main character makes a remark about how his uncle treated him and he becomes more hostile.

The main character asks him about his uncle, the guy tells him his occupation, the main character expresses his interest in being on the other side of the door.

The other day I did a pack up job for strawberry sound, I got there a bit earlier than I thought I would, the party inside was still going and I very clearly remember standing alone outside the large garage door at midnight, hearing the distant sounds of people enjoying themselves on the other side. All this to say that I thought this was quite a nice moment, however sad it might seem, and I thought that maybe I could use it for my short film - something which I am currently aiming to change to a much smaller scale in order to make it doable (hopefully within a day). 

So the story this time is set in the mood of that ten minutes or so I had the other night, combined with an idea I've been toying with and fitting to different stories of the New Zealand criminal underground. 

The idea here explores low ranking criminals, discussing similar to how we discuss film among ourselves, where they want to go in life and the problems they have with their current positions. I want it to be a comedy and commentary on how we always talk about doing cool things but never actually do.

Also talked to Josh about how one would steal the vehicles inside the transport museum - which would be a pretty cool heist. Want to incorporate this type of thing where the criminals discuss big dreams like we discuss what we want to see done in the film industry, things we'll and the characters will probably never do. 

Two men in suits drunkenly walk down the alley, a hand pops into frame - there is an address written on a piece of paper that the hand is holding. Noted below is scribbled "go around back"
The person holding the paper is a shabby looking young man, he looks at the paper and makes his way down the alley, passing the two drunks - who are leaning into each other and singing a sea shanty of some kind.
There is an older man standing at a garage door, he has a suit as well, in the background a smaller figure huddles - another young man.
All you have to do is a keep a watch on this door, I'm putting you with my nephew - Clarence
(points to the young man standing behind him)
- you two keep an eye out and make sure no one gets in, thats it. You got that
The young man nods,
We're not expecting any trouble but there's the small chance the Reds might try something tonight and if they do it's only you two standing between them and a bloodbath inside
(turns to Clarence)
- now I'm going to give you a weapon but don't use it unless really fucking necessary is that understood?
Clarence holds the gun awkwardly in his hands, he nods, his shoulders are pressed back and he's trying to stand straight:
Yes of course
Don't give me lip son, do you even know how to use that fucking thing?

Clarence holds the gun limply in his hand
The fuck you take me for?

Shut the fuck up, look at how your holding that thing, you look like a 12 year old girl
(He takes his hand roughly and twists)
Like that you fucking numbnut
Clarence winces
That's how a man holds a revolver, firmly not like a sissy
The young man looks down at the ground while this is happening
Yeah I know how to hold a gun and it's not a revolver--
What the fuck did you just say
I said it's not a, it's a pistol - there's a difference
The OLDER MAN gives CLARENCE a smack over the head
What did I say about giving me lip boy, shut up and keep your eyes peeled
(Turns to the young man)
Goes twice for you because you have to keep an eye on my idiot of a nephew as well, you good to do that
The OLDER MAN heads inside leaving the boys in the cold night, the party inside is lively but feels far away in the night air

CLARENCE starts spinning the gun around his finger like in a western, THE YOUNG MAN eyes it suspiciously
The OLD MAN can't tell the difference between a revolver and a pistol, he talks big but can't even spot the fucking difference - you know my dad has a revolver, real nice one too - 8 rounds, gold plated...
The YOUNG MAN is silent, he just looks cautiously at the spinning handgun, CLARENCE almost drops the gun
You sure you should have that out in the open like that
(A pause)
CLARENCE observes the YOUNG MAN for a second
You afraid of a little gun?
Not really, I just don't think it's a very good idea to have it displayed like that for everyone to see
Why not?
I don't know, it takes away like the element of surpirse
Yeah? It's a fucking gun, I'm not trying to shank someone, what "element of surprise", put your cunt away DAVID
Okay, well maybe you shouldn't play with it like that then
I can do whatever I bloody well please, Why the fuck not

Because your gonna fuck it up and hurt someone probably yourself

There's a lot of work to do in terms of additional writing and what's here needs to be funnier, but don't have time now. I want much more than what's here and the script is becoming too long too quick, this was supposed to be a very short intro.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

BSA 204 W12 : Reversals

We talked about plot reversals in class, a very popular term that pops up more commonly in Hollywood than status:

The example that best described what it is to me is the situation where someone goes to rob a dairy, gets there and finds that there is someone else already robbing it or doing something worse, and changing their objective to help the dairy owner instead.

This is a plot reversal, where the character's objective changes, it is related to status and usually happens when an external force is introduced that changes the way the character acts,

1. Create a character:

Devise a Full Name : Zxavian Thorien Birdsong

Define their Age and Gender : 29 and Male

Physical traits : Ginger, big old ears, eyes are really close together, has dark skin, long arms, short legs, fat cheeks and very hairy.

Occupation : Spokesperson for The Deforestation Company ("We cut down forests - fuck you orangutans")

Socio-economic status : Reasonably well off - his company is obviously making a lot of money and he's doing a good job (wonderful work ethic - just wanna kill trees)

Education/qualifications : Studying towards a PhD in automotive engineering

Political views & religious beliefs : Ex-scientologist, capitalist

Where do they live? : Brazil - I mean he moves around

What is their primary dwelling? : No primary dwelling, lives in hotels

Fashion sense/ contents of wardrobe: Plaid shirts galore, all the time, all day every day - basketball shorts and sandals

General health and wellbeing : Overweight, skin condition that makes his skin darker

Relationship with parent(s) : Not good - parents raised him as a hippie Scientologist which doesn't align with his personal identity

Siblings : Way too many to count

Relationship with sibling(s) : Non-Existent

Romantic / Marital Status : Looking for love

Dependents : caged chickens

Relationship with dependents, loves them, eats raw eggs with shell and talks to his chickens when he has no one else (which is most of the time) Three chickens, small cage, one - travels whole movie with it

Favourite Food : Egg

Diet : Egg and budget food - addicted to saving

Interests : money, the stocks, investment and saving, going to banks on weekends and just looking

 Movies / TV - non-fiction kind of a guy, loves a good biopic (wolf of wall street)

Music : Real hard

Unusual habits / addictions / vices / festishes : Addicted to saving, cuts down trees in free time - pyromaniac

Transport : Various aircraft

State of bedroom bathroom - n/a

2. Devise a destination and an immediate external objective. What does he want to achieve at this destination?

Has to go to a press conference and establish good public relations for his company, The Deforestation Co. which has recently come under fire for the removal of their eco-sustainable policies.


Zxavian Thorian Birdsong IV meets the mayor of the amazon on behalf of his company, The Deforestation Company, to convince him to let the company cut down a portion of the amazon to harvest more water. 

But then the mayor thinks its such a good idea that he wants to cut down the whole of the amazon and in the process rid himself of the bush people who live there.

Zxavian can't reveal that he is an ex-bush person and has to convince the mayor why he shouldn't burn down the amazon. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

BSA 206 S2 W12 : Drone Movie

DJI – The Circle: A Short Film Shot Entirely on the Inspire 2

They should've had it airborne the whole time - that's my review. And the audio was bad, I liked the fight scene - gives The Raid a run for its money.

I don't think that drone technology is there yet, I believe that they will figure out a way to make it fly without sound one of these days and when that happens drones will cause a massive shift in the industry, at the moment though making a movie entirely with a drone should be really impressive because of the noise it makes, when you treat most of the shots like its a normal camera - with people holding it or putting it on a rig - then it becomes much less impressive.  Imagine if they had that thing flying next to the car instead of on a rig, or even flying inside the car (CRAZY!! and dangerous...). Point is it would have been amazing.

I thought the audio was bad because they had to dub all the dialogue - they didn't, it was just bad.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

BSA 227 W11 : ID"EAS

My Compositing Idea is:

Going back to the German Expressionist idea but this time make it smaller scale and simpler overall - the story will be set within someone's head (but how do you make that interesting).

The reason for this is 1) because that's what Caligari did and what German Expressionism does well in the more general sense, and 2) because that provides even more opportunity for VFX creativity.

One of the ideas De la Rey gave me was just to simply double up the main character/actor, it's a compositing technique but can also fit in with the mind-palace setting and thematic direction of the story - setting it in the mind means that whatever is being presented is probably going to be a metaphor of some sort.

The story isn't too important but the idea of trying to make an entirely internal conflict (a big problem with manh boring films is that they focus too much on the internal conflicts and there aren't any external ones present or at least the ones that are don't happen to be very interesting) and try to make that entirely internal conflict interesting somehow.

But while an enticing challenge that needs inspiration or a proper idea to work and I don't think I really have the time for that right now.

So if I do a doppelgänger thing what are the potential themes/metaphors?

-  The one that De la Rey suggested was a man chasing himself, or the version of himself that he wants to be, and then comes to accept the person that he already is (so it's like a chase)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

BSA 231 W11 : Media Releases

I had a small hand in the distribution of the media releases to media outlets this week - which essentially consisted of googling how to compose an email for a media release (

Example of Email we set up:


 I'm De la Rey Myburgh the advertising head for the upcoming student run exhibition "Think and Create." Formerly known as the Southsure Emerging Artist Awards the SIT hosted award show has recently been re-branded. The Purpose of this event is to celebrate the work of creative talent and to provide more opportunities to artists residing in Invercargill.

 We are seeking to create awareness for our event and I have attached a press release with details. Would you be willing to do a piece to help inform the local community about Think and Create? We would like to get the leader of the event's organization, Royce Trounsen, as well as one of our MC's on air if possible. 

More FM's wide reach will be a massive help in expressing our aims with this event and creating a greater awareness to art in the area. Thank you so much for your time, please get back to me if you are interested in discussing further.

De la Rey M

 We sent it to:

- Southland Express
- Southland Times
- Radio Southland
- More FM
- Stuff
- Newshub

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

BVA 203 S2W11 : Valuing Art

We watched this documentary in class and were tasked with answering some questions using the resources below:

- Who is your target market?

Other students (know about your work and want to support you)
Smaller Start-Ups
Family & Friends (marketing : online profile)
Online Personalities
Local Body Government / Local Authority (ICC/SDC)
People who like art - galleries/openings
Other Artists

Value : Context matters - don't sell out of the boot of your car ya crazy

Figure out what you should be getting paid - what y'all rate?

Monday, September 17, 2018

BSA 231 W11 : Vampire Heist

We open the movie with the main character acting as an electrician and getting led through the club house by the extravagant president of it - we meet one of the tenants on the way through the house, as the man looks around the house he notices certain things - like a creak on the stairs and a door that the president doesn't want him to enter (to which he asks what's down there and is told simply the basement) he also asks questions about the place where he finds out lawyers usually live there during cases. This whole sequence is doubled up with VO dialogue of him and his friend discussing the he sit and the scene ends with him being shown the fuse box and starting on fixing it - we cut to a shot of him and his partner-in-crime sitting on their car, eating and discussing the case (the dialogue we've been getting this whole time) we also get a snippet that he has problems at home or with his family. (maybe reveal that his father used to be in crime)

Maybe he studies as well and gets told off by his tutor for plagiarizing - a comparison with his thieving habits and maybe give a moral lesson about not being selfish


David walks up to the front door of the house, he observes the house and looks through the window then tentatively knocks.

The Host opens the door after a short pause, surprised to find him already at the front door he apologizes - he says that he thought he'd text David (who's standing their with an electrician get up) and then he'd come open the gate for him, he makes sure it wasn't too much of a problem for him to get past - David says it was unlocked. He gets let into the house, the host saying the fuse box is right through here - Davis stops at the stair and looks around  for a bit

He asks the host what the house is for, the host pauses for a moment and David explains that he's still very young, only just left school and he's completely unfamiliar with a Gentleman's club.

Intrigued by his interest the host gives him a quick definition and then David asks who it's for, the host explains lawyers and stuff sometimes stay there, otherwise it's just a gathering place - David asks if he can be shown around.

The host says sure and takes him up the stairs where David notices a creaky stair, this and the host speaking is interrupted by VO dialogue of David discussing the place with his friend - listing the amount of rooms, as well as what's in each one, as well as potential little hazards (like the alarm at the door and creaky stair - but no cameras, which is perfect, their old fashioned nature will be their downfall - this is a question that his friend asks and he answers that).

David and the host meet a tenant on the way down, a man who is completely oblivious and just happy about being there (or something, establish something about him to be eaten by vampires) - downstairs David asks what's down another door and host just says that it's the basement, no need to go down there and leads him to the fuse box where he's left to his own devices, cut to him and his friend on car discussing, he says he's sure that door has something valuable - the rest of the house is filled with valuables but the most important stuff would be down there - n google he has a page open about the family who owns the house (they are insanely rich and keep to themselves, refusing to move when a city rose up around the place) the friend asks what the host was like (in here somewhere David reveals he knows how to disable the alarm because he did it with his dad all the time) he describes the host a little bit who is part of the famous family.

They briefly talk about the plan for the next day, in the morning they have school - the main character complains about the teacher for a little bit (who claimed he plagiarized something and gives him moral lessons about being selfish and shit), the friend says he's sure it shouldn't be too busy the next day - his father's part of the club and they usually have nothing on Wednesdays)

The next day, night, they are breaking into the house, things immediately go well, the alarm disabled they start moving through the house stealing everything valuable, there are weird capes and canes and stuff in the doorway though, which they ignore since no one seems to be home - instead of leaving immediately his friend decides to check out the basement which he manages to unlock, meanwhile the main character

His friend not answering the main character makes his way down the basement carefully, noticing the amount of capes and stuff.

EXT. Outside Club House

A young man walks up to the front door, he can be seen peering through the windows to the house's dusty interior.

He tentatively knocks, his eyes caressing the door frame and walls.

There is a short pause, the host opens the door.


I'm sorry I didn't expect you already, I thought you'd text me so I could open the gate for you, you got in alright


Yes I know, but the fence was left open, I took it as an invitation


Of course


BSA 231 W11 : Location Scout

I had two days off in the break, most of which was spent sleeping but I also talked to Kathryn and had a look at the potential location that I might use.

These pictures are actually ones Daisy took but I had a look at the club house myself.


Monday, September 10, 2018

BSA 231 W10 : Weekend overview

Over the weekend I was on two shoots, Marcella's and Matthew Wilmshursts':

I only got BTS for Matthew, since I didn't really have a role and was just on set because the location was my house, I was boom op and temporarily sound mixer for Marcella so opportunities to get BTS was scarce and no one else seemed interested even after I offered it to them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

BSA 227 W9 : Nuke's Back

We did a green screen tutorial in Nuke, where we placed a background picture into a composition (which we changed to 25fps, and 1080p) as well as a video filmed on green screen. We used nodes to achieve our desired effect this time around but a lot of the tweaking was the same (e.g. clip black, clip white and bias):

The final product above - nodes are as follow:

Green screen into Keylight (node that allows for the masking of the green screen), which goes into a merge node, which is connected to the viewer as well as : a roto node, helping mask out the person as the outside of the frame had trouble with just the key, and lastly into a reformat node that goes into the background image (which needed reformatting due to it's inappropriate size for the screen).

We press S to change formatting (fps and quality)

BSA 203 W9 : Ch-ch-changes...and Artist Statement

We changing the entry form somewhat - I dunno. Apparently there's no font


Last year's template:


Programme of Study: (& year if applicable)

Title of Work:

Medium: (e.g. acrylic paint & paper, film, etc)

Dimensions (mm): or Length of work (only include this if work is film/video/animation)

Artist Statement: Include information about yourself; why you chose the course you are doing; inspiration behind the work you entered, such as it was created for class or specifically for this event.

Price: (only include this if work is available for purchase)

Contact details: For further information, please contact me at (email) or (contact number).

Please use: Font: Times New Roman. Size: 14 font.

Please note: Make sure you proofread your artist statement, because it will be printed as received, without further editing.


Artist statement template brainstorm:

- Artist Name

- Programme of study ; and year

- Title

- Medium

- Price (if applicable)

- Artist introduction (who you? previous experience?)

- Explanation Work (Subject matter / processes and techniques)

- Comment on Intentions

- Influences / Artist Models

- Contact Details (email, phones, link to work/profile)

3 - 4 Paragraphs

250 - 300 Words

Font size (Calibri 14 pt), remind to proof and break into paragraphs

We'll collect it via a throwaway email

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

BSA 227 W9 : New Idea (again)

So I've decided to change my idea again for compositing, this time 


The secret agent walks into an airport and goes to the locker area where he opens a special locker with a medical kit and earpiece, he goes to the bathroom and inserts the earpiece

Throughout the process of fixing up his wound - a gunshot in his arm - he is talking to an operator on the other end of his earpiece who establishes that he did a good job of finishing a mission and who also informs him of his flight plans going home - at this point everything is going smoothly - the operator asks why he's grunting so much, he tells him about the wound and explains a bit of how he got it (also says he's tired, the operator says he'll be home soon) 

He boards the plane with the opening credits - intercut are clips of the French terrorists beating the other agent, we also see him struggle to sleep and he takes sleeping pills here (the whole thing is kind of 90's montage like Run Lola Run) 

After the opening his plane lands and he wakes up, drowsy he gets off, it's announced that this is not a routine stop, he asks where he is, they say in New Zealand

Confused he asks the operator, the operator says things are a bit of a mess but that another agent just failed a mission and he is the only agent in the vicinity at all

The agent takes a breath - tired - and asks for a brief. The operator say they don't have time to give that right now but that he'll do that on the way - on the way to the agent saving the life of the former agent before he is executed 



First thing is him stealing transportation, simple spy stuff, he kind of messes it up and has to clean up after which establishes how they operate 

Next thing is a tailing thing, where he gets told there are some goons passing by and he has to see if they have anything valuable, he tails them and a shootout ensues, the car blows up and we get the idea he really is getting tired, luckily they were speed dealers or something similar and he takes that

Drug fuelled and running out of time he moves to the location of the other agent, a bit like one of those motorbike scenes in MI

He gets there, another shootout/brawl, where he saves the other agent and tells him to clean up after him while he finishes the mission - he also gets a chance to talk to the bad guys (French twins) 
